Isabella’s white counts have climbed so she’s no longer neutropenic (low white counts that make her susceptible to infections), but her platelets count is low. This means we’ll have to go into the City tomorrow for a platelet infusion, but that should be it for this round. We’ll have to discuss with our oncologist what the next steps are, but it won’t be for another week or two.
In other news, the snow came a day late to give us a white Christmas. Oh well. That didn’t stop us from having a great Christmas. Here are a bunch of pictures and a video from the last couple of days. Click on the picture to see a larger view.

Annalise in front of the festively lit Empire State Building.

Isabella laughs as she wears her reindeer antlers.
Annalise and Isabella help decorate the door with snowflakes.

Here we are for our traditional Christmas Eve dinner of pierogies, fish sticks and green beans substituting for peas.

Even though we didn’t have any time to shop, Santa came by with lots of gifts for the kids. This also included some handmade, custom stockings for everyone in the family!

Nathaniel wears his new tool belt.

Isabella poses with her favorite new toy, a remote control walking puppy she named Snowflake.

Annalise made this cool ornament at school. It has a transparent picture of her inside the ornament.

Nathaniel and Isabella venture out into the snow before the blizzard got really bad!

Annalise and Nathaniel pose by some of the large snow piles in our yard.

And what else are you going to do with all of that snow? Well build a snow fort, of course! Here’s a video tour of our snow fort!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from our family to yours!